
Chewing Ice Is Bad for Our Teeth

WE HEAR A LOT that it’s bad to chew ice. It’s because ice can do a lot of damage to…

2 years ago

History Includes Some Odd Teeth Traditions

THERE’S A LOT OF strange stuff buried in the history of dental health and hygiene, but there are a...

2 years ago

How to Protect Against Childhood Tooth Injuries

CHILDHOOD IS A TIME of scraped knees and bumps and bruises as kids run around discovering the world. As pediatric...

2 years ago

What Builds Healthy Smiles?

DAILY BRUSHING AND flossing are essential to keep a growing child’s smile healthy, but we already know that. We hopefully...

2 years ago

Oral Cancer Awareness Month Is Here!

STAYING INFORMED ABOUT the symptoms and risk factors of oral cancer is incredibly important. We oral health...

2 years ago

The Many Dental Career Paths

WHAT DOES A CAREER in dentistry look like? Being a dentist is an incredibly rewarding career, and beyond helping our…

2 years ago

Do Your Friends Know These 6 Mouth Facts?

IF YOU’RE SHORT on fun topics of conversation for your next party, might we interest you...

2 years ago

The Tooth Fairy Across Time and Cultures

ONE OF THE most prominent figures of the magic of childhood is the Tooth Fairy, but depending on...

2 years ago

What’s Your Plan for the First Loose Tooth?

MOST OF US can still remember what it was like to lose a baby tooth, especially that major Big Kid…

2 years ago

Avoid These Canker Sore Triggers

CANKER SORES MIGHT be small, but they tend to mean days of distracting discomfort. They are...

2 years ago