
What Makes Teeth Sensitive?

IF YOU CAN’T REALLY enjoy ice cream because every bite sends a nasty jolt through your teeth, then you know…

4 years ago

Spotlight on Women’s Oral Health

WHEN YOU THINK of the differences between men and women, oral health concerns probably aren’t...

4 years ago

Cold and Flu Season and Oral Health

COMING DOWN WITH the flu is never any fun, but it’s also no time to let up on your oral…

4 years ago

The Impact of Diabetes on Teeth and Gums

ONE OF THE MOST common complications of diabetes is gum disease, and that isn’t the only way diabetes is hard…

5 years ago

How Smoking Affects Oral Health

WE’VE ALL HEARD over and over how smoking can adversely impact health, with the most infamous example being lung cancer.…

5 years ago

Sugar, Its Many Aliases, and Your Teeth

WHAT COMES TO MIND when you hear the word “sugar”? Probably your favorite type of candy or dessert, maybe your…

5 years ago

Animal Teeth Olympics

TEETH ARE OUR PASSION, and while we spend most of our time focusing on human teeth, sometimes it’s fun to…

5 years ago

What Are Those White Spots On My Teeth?

THERE ARE A LOT of things that can leave stains on our teeth, and stains can come in many...

5 years ago

How Clean Is Your Tongue?

“BRUSH YOUR TEETH for two full minutes twice a day, and floss your teeth once a day.” You’ve probably lost…

5 years ago